
Family law conflicts, they are inevitable in life and certainly in the legal world. But how do you deal with them? Do you look for your right or do you strive for a solution? As Zaan Advocaten we know like no other that finding your right is not always the best way. Mediation offers a solution.

Mediation is a form of conflict mediation in which an independent third party, the mediator, guides the parties involved to reach a solution together. Unlike a court case, the focus is not on finding a winner and loser, but on finding a win-win situation for all involved.

But if you are in your right, why would you choose mediation? In family law, seeking a solution through mediation is often more effective than chasing right, because relationships remain intact. In many cases, you want to preserve the relationship with the other party. For example, consider a divorce involving children: it is important to be able to continue to communicate well about the children in the future. A lawsuit can damage relationships irreparably, while mediation focuses on restoring and improving the mutual bond. In addition, there is room for creative solutions. In litigation, the outcome is often limited to what is legally possible. In mediation, creativity is central and there is room for solutions that lie off the beaten path. Together you can come up with innovative ideas and agreements that all parties agree on.

Lawyer-mediator Marianne Smit
At Zaan Advocaten Marianne Smit is certified as a family law mediator. She is also a member of the Vereniging van Familie- en Erfrecht Advocaten en Scheidingsmediators (vFAS). This is the specialist association of the Netherlands in the field of family law. To be affiliated as a lawyer and/or mediator, she must therefore meet high quality requirements. At this moment, Marianne Smit is the only lawyer-mediator in the Zaanstreek region and she is the only one affiliated with the vFAS.